Easy Win Config 2022 Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Easy Win Config 2022 for free on a PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Easy Win Config 2022 on your computer.

About the software

Ease to use windows config like turn off/on win-updates, blocking software/ports, custom DNS, and turn off/on Checkdisk

This is a software or tool to make it easier to configure Windows with just a few clicks. The currently available configurations are disabling or activating or custom settings windows updates so that you feel comfortable and not disturbed by sudden updates, blocking software from being able to access data out of the network, and being able to use custom DNS for your device that can unblock websites or others, set whether you want to run check disk when starting windows or turn off check disk when starting windows. this software is portable so it can be run directly even on a flash disk provided the operating system must be windows and a 32bit or 64bit cpu.

The main features of Easy Win Config 2022 are:

  • Custom DNS
  • Turn ON/Off Checkdisk while booting windows
  • Comes with a minimal interface

Easy Win Config 2022 System Requirements

  •  Operating System: make sure you are using windows xp or later and cpu 32bit or 64bit

How to Download and Install Easy Win Config 2022

  1. Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be: www.mysoftwarefree.com
  3. Run Easy Win Config 64Bit.exe and install the software.
  4. You now have the full version of Easy Win Config 2022 (x64) installed on your PC.

Required files

File #1 (1.5 MB)

Password: www.mysoftwarefree.com

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