Display Changer II Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Display Changer II v1.8.0.130 for free on PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Display Changer II v1.8.0.130 on your computer.

About the software

Display Changer II changes your Windows display resolution, runs a program, then restores the original settings. This is useful for games and home-theater computers. I wrote Display Changer II because many programs run best under a particular resolution (e.g., 640×480 with 8-bit color depth or 1920×1080 with a 24 Hz refresh rate). I grew tired of manually changing the Windows display settings manually, so I wrote Display Changer II to do it automatically.

Display Changer II changes your Windows desktop width, height, color depth, refresh rate, and rotation temporarily or permanently (via a configuration file). Display Changer II can run another application in a specific display resolution and return to the previous resolution when the application finishes. It can change the resolution permanently and rearrange the monitors in a multiple-monitor setup. Display Changer II can also duplicate (clone) your monitors, extend the desktop to multiple monitors, configure only the primary PC screen, and configure only the secondary screen.

Display Changer II uses configuration files to specify display settings. It can create configuration files from existing settings, which eliminates the need for you to edit the files yourself. The configuration file specifies every setting for each monitor, including the very precise refresh rates needed for home-theatre systems.

The main features of Display Changer II are:

  • Changes your Windows display resolution
  • Useful for games and home-theatre computers
  • Change Width, colour depth, Height, Refresh rate and rotation temporarily and permanently

Display Changer II v1.8.0.130 System Requirements

  •  Operating System:  Display Changer II supports Microsoft® Windows® 11 and 10. Windows 11 is only 64-bit

How to Download and Install Display Changer II v1.8.0.130

  1. Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be: www.mysoftwarefree.com
  3. Run dc2.exe and install the software
  4. You now have the full version of Display Changer II v1.8.0.130 installed on your PC.

Required files

File #1 (218 KB)

Password: www.mysoftwarefree.com

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