Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager v4.3.0 for free on a PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager v4.3.0 on your computer.

About the software

This started out as a project to shut down the Windows Update mechanic. It grew from there as Microsoft tweaked how they ran and protected the update service. It probably would have died there, but it seems people are liking this application. Version 3.1.0 has over 10k downloads and 4.0.0 over 17k! So I’ve felt a little obiligated to keep this updated.

With 4.0, I realized another major annoyance of Windows 10 is a lot of bloatware. Random apps that either aren’t needed or that are added bloatware.

The main features of Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager are:

  • user-friendly interface
  • Windows 10 Update Manager
  • handy application that allows you to access and make the necessary modifications to the group policy and disable the services that activate automatically whenever an update is released for Windows 10.

Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager v4.3.0 System Requirements

  •  Operating System: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7

How to Download and Install Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager v4.3.0

  1. Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be: www.mysoftwarefree.com
  3. Run Wu10Man_Installer.msi and install the software.
  4. You now have the full version of Wu10Man – Windows 10 Update Manager v4.3.0 installed on your PC.

Required files

File #1 (1.3 MB)

Password: www.mysoftwarefree.com

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