Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer for free on a PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer on your computer.

About the software

There are already thousands of free Audio Players available for download on the Internet. Why do we from Stefan Trost Media add another one? Because the conventional players are either to simple or to complicated! The designers have recently come up with hundreds of extra features, animated borders and styles. Other players come without these bells and whistles, but did not even have a playlist.

However, who fell by the wayside, was the elementary music enthusiast, who wants nothing more than just to manage his music collection and simply enjoy his music!

And for this, the STT Media Audio-Player is exactly the right choice. This player only comes with the most necessary functions, nevertheless there are all important features available making it easy to manage play lists and listening to music. This player shows it strengths in managing very large collections, fast access times and simple operations without losing functionality.

Beside the normal functions like playing music or viewing the artist or title, the Audio Player also comes with some other unusual features that can make your life easier. For example, it is possible to copy music from the playlist to the clipboard directly, to use drag and drop to drag songs from the playlist to a folder, you have extensive opportunities to search your collection and it is possible to export your own defined list of all of your music.

To access your titles in the best possible way, an ingenious search is integrated into the player. With this search function you can search your music collection even with regular expressions (RegEx), you can carry out inverse searches, you can specify which tag information should be searched and which not, you can define whether the search should care about lower and upper case writing, whether the search terms should be exactly and lots of other things. Of course, all of those settings are optional, so that you can carry out searches even if you do not have specified any of these rules.

The main features of Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer are:

  • Simple Operation: The operation of this program is intuitively. All important functions are already available in the main window. Nevertheless the are numerous additional functions which can be called and used depending on need.
  • Playlists: Your Music Collection can be organized by play lists. These can be adapted and saved at your own discretion. In addition, the player opens the playlist in the application folder automatically when starting the program. The Easy MP3 Player also can handle playlists with more than 100,000 files well and fast.
  • Search with Regular Expressions (RegEx): The Easy MP3 Player makes it possible to search your music collection with regular expressions. With this, you can create very specified and exactly matches, for example you can find all titles consisting of only one word or titles containing a special range of characters or words. The possibilities are boundless. Of course, it is also possible to use a normal search function. If you want to read a short introduction to regular expressions, you can read an overview on the page Regular Expressions.
  • Unicode Support: The player is fully compatible with Unicode. This means that in all tag information of the audio files Unicode characters can appear and the files, folders an the output list can contain Unicode, too. It is up to you whether you want to save the playlist or the music list as an ANSI text or in any Unicode format such as Unicode UTF-8, UTF-16 or another Unicode Transformation Format.
  • Helpful additional functions: The Easy MP3 Player comes to you with some helpful additional functions: For example you can show information about the current song, copy this song to clipboard, open the corresponding folder, show a list of all played songs, you can search in selected columns, change the language during running time and register or unregister playlist files (*.emp) from the program.
  • Drag and Drop: You want to move a song from your playlist to your portable MP3-player? Then, you can easily move your song using drag and drop from your playlist to your external player or to any other folder on your computer.
  • Explorer Context Menu: If you want, you can show the Easy MP3 Player in the context menu of files, so that you can simply access files via right click on files. It is possible to create such entries in the context menu of any files, arbitrary file types, folders and the “Send to” menu. More about this topic on the page shortcuts.
  • Add Songs Easily: You can drag songs simply from every folder of your computer to the playlist. You can even add entire folders in this way. Just drag the folder into the playlist.
  • Smart Folder Search: If you browse for files in folders, it is possible to add only new songs to the playlist, which has not been added yet. This makes it very easy for you to update your playlist. For example, if you have already loaded a large number of files and you add some new files to some folders, you can simply search the folders for new files without reloading the old ones.
  • Export as Text- or HTML-Table: If you would like to write a list of all of your music files, the Easy MP3 Player is the right choice. You can decide what information like artist, album, title, length or even the filepath should be used in the list and if you want to number your files. Furthermore, lots of additional functions like filter, replacing and advanced settings makes it easier to come to an optimal result
  • Advanced Search: While traditional media players usually only support a simple search, in the Easy MP3 Player there are a lot of opportunities: For example, you can freely choose which items (artist, title, length of song, album, track, year, genre or even the file) should be searched in. With which other player you can even search for songs of a certain length or saved in a specific directory? In addition, you can determine whether you want to look for the exact term and if you want to search case-insensitive or inverse. The inverse search displays all items, that does not comply with your term you are looking for. If you enter more than one word, you can choose between an AND-Search and an OR-Search, so there is the maximum potential for optimal search results.
  • Relative Paths: If you want, you can add songs with a relative path to the playlist. This allows you to use the same playlist in different folders or more than one computer (because external hard drives can change the drive letter when using them on another workstation) without updating the playlist.
  • Advanced Song Display: Depending on your needs, you can determine which information (such as artist, album or track) should be displayed when playing a song. Optionally, the song can be displayed in the header of the program, so that you can see the display in the taskbar, even if you have minimized the player.
  • Right mouse button on a song: If you use the right mouse button on a song in your playlist, you get the functionality immediately. For example, it is possible to copy the file to the clipboard, to open the corresponding file folder or to search for songs with the same artist, length, title, genre, album and so on.
  • No bad investment: You can download this Software for free and it nevertheless works absolutely and unlimitedly in the full performance range. In addition, you can pass the Software as often as you would like. You only pay for the Software if you want to pay something and even then you are able to pay as much as you want.
  • No installation (portable Software): The program works without installation. This spares your Registry and you can immediately use it. Nevertheless it is possible to register the file extension (*.emp) for playlists, to load all titles of the list with a single mouse click. Of course this registration is not required to run the program and can any time be undone out of the player.

Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer System Requirements

  •  Operating System: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7

How to Download and Install Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer

  1. Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be:
  3. Run mp3player.exe and install the software.
  4. You now have the full version of Stefan Trost EasyMusicPlayer installed on your PC.

Required files

File #1 (576 KB)


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