About the software
Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker on Mac App Store) will allow even the technically inexperienced to quickly and effortlessly compose and arrange strikingly beautiful and impressive 3D Graphics, high-quality text, and logos. Do you have pressing needs to finish your design project quickly and easily? Then don’t look any further! With the hundreds of templates built in within Aurora3D Software, you’ll be able to take advantage of a myriad of eye-catching effects like reflections and deformation textures.
Or if you prefer, you could import your own images and modify and adapt them to meet your unique design needs! Easy Create 3D text effect and logo animation in minutes for the website and your movies! Create 3D text effects and 3D logo animations in minutes for the web and your movies! You don’t even need to be proficient over the layout or 3D Design basics!
The main features of Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker are:
- Internal Animation Style
- 3D Manipulator
- 3D Graphic Templates
- Free-Hand Shape
- Quick Styles
- SVG & Picture Import
- 3D Graphic Mode
- Shape Switch
- Graphic Library
- Text Edit
- Color and Texture
- Bevel Effects
- Distort Effects
- Dynamic Background
- Light and Camera Control
- Set Render Size
- Export Image
- Export Animation
Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker v20.01.30 System Requirements
- Mac OS 10.6 or later with 64bit processor / Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7 or 8 32bit & 64bit.
- 1GB RAM.
- 150 MB available hard disk space.
- Hardware accelerated 3D graphics card with FSAA support is better.
How to Download and Install Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker v20.01.30
- Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
- Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be: www.mysoftwarefree.com
- Run Maker3D.exe and install the software.
- Open the Keygen-RadiXX11 folder and run keygen.exe. Use the key generated when asked in your setup.
- You now have the full version of Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker v20.01.30 installed on your PC.
Required files
Password: www.mysoftwarefree.com