This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Audiority Deleight v1.3.0 for free on a PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Audiority Deleight v1.3.0 on your computer.
About the software
Deleight is a stereo multi tap delay processor based on late ’90s digital delays hardware processors.
Deleight can deliver multiple delay-based effects, ranging from simple echoes to multi-voice choruses, flangers, doublers, early reverbs and more. Enable Loop mode to set Deleight as a looper device, with Speed and Reverse controls, to create special effects and textures.
The main features of Audiority Deleight are:
- Stereo Multi Tap Delay (4+4 Taps)
- Delay Buffer of 5 seconds
- 7 Time Ranges
- Tempo Sync
- Left, Right and Feedback channels
- Normal and Cross channel feedback modes
- LFO with 11 waveforms
- Channel Linking
- Loop Mode (with Speed and Reverse controls)
- Internal Sample Rate reduction
- Resizeable User Interface
- Inline User Manual
Audiority Deleight v1.3.0 System Requirements
- Windows 7 64bit or later
- Intel i5 or higher
- Screen resolution: 1024×768
- CLAP, VST2, VST3 64-bit host
- PT11 or higher, AAX 64-bit host
How to Download and Install Audiority Deleight v1.3.0
- Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
- Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be:
- Run Setup Deleight v1.3.0.exe and install the software.
- Open the Keygen folder and run Keygen.exe. Use the key generated when asked in your setup.
- You now have the full version of Audiority Deleight v1.3.0 installed on your PC.
Required files