Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler v4.3.0.1 for free on a PC. Follow the direct download link and instructions below for guidance on installing Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler v4.3.0.1 on your computer.

About the software

ScriptCryptor lets you quickly produce standalone, royalty free applications from your VBS or JS files. VBScript or JScript files are converted to EXE files, the source code of your scripts will be encrypted with Blowfish algorithm. Once converted, they cannot be modified or viewed by other users.

ScriptCryptor Compiler also lets you set various resources in the .EXE file, such as its description, the company name, version information and even the application icon. In addition, you may include any files to the compiled exe file and use them during execution.

The main features of Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler are:

  • Creating a 32-bit or 64-bit applications with a single click.
  • Compile Javascript and VBScript into console or windowed programs (VBS to EXE, JS to EXE)
  • No temporary file is created during execution. Unlike the other products, our compiler will execute script from the memory and will never create unprotected files in the TEMP folder.
  • Command-line compilation
  • Stores the project settings within the script as a comment block.
  • Script obfuscation: hides and protects sources of a script from viewing.
  • Highlight command’s syntax within the built-in editor.
  • All additional files required by your script may be embedded into EXE file.
  • Allows you to use your own Icon and Version Info for compiled files.
  • Built-in WScript object. You do not need to modify your script and can use standard WScript.echo, WScript.Arguments, e.t.c.

Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler v4.3.0.1 System Requirements

  • Windows: 11/10/8/7/Vista
  • Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 1000 MHz or higher
  • RAM: 4096 MB or higher
  • Administrative permissions for program installation

How to Download and Install Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler v4.3.0.1

  1. Click on the download button(s) below and finish downloading the required files. This might take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on your download speed.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract, see this article. The password to extract will always be: www.mysoftwarefree.com
  3. Run scriptcryptor.exe and install the software.
  4. Copy ScriptCryptor.exe from the Crack folder into your installation directory, and replace the previous file.
  5. You now have the full version of Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler v4.3.0.1 installed on your PC.

Required files

File #1 (5.6 MB)

Password: www.mysoftwarefree.com

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